12pm - 4pm at Rockaway Artists Alliance, Studio t7, in conjunction with making of documentary film, 'Cant See Sh*t'
Brendan Patrick, an artist from Detroit who lost his vision due to complications from cystic fibrosis, is here visiting NYC for a week, along with Rob Cousineau, his dear friend who is making a film about Brendan called 'Cant See Sh*t.' They have been here since Tuesday, Brendan's first visit to NYC since losing his sight. Brendan has paintings in a group show, ArtSplash! at the Rockaway Artists Alliance, and while they are in town the people of New York have the wonderful opportunity to meet Brendan, see his work, watch him painting live in the gallery, and talk with him about his process. Rob and the crew will be filming this for the documentary. Brendan loves to paint for people, to talk with them, answer their questions, share his experience and process. Please join us in making this a memorable and special experience, and a wonderful part of the documentary and sending off for them.
Please watch this short film about Brendan, his life, and his art:
At the event there will be music, drinks, food. It will be a wonderful way to transition from summer into fall. Whether it is raining or sunny, it will be a wonderful time to visit the ocean, visit the exhibit, watch Brendan join, celebrate, enjoy each other's company. They will be heading back to Detroit on Sunday shortly after the event, so it is a wonderful opportunity not to be missed, and a great chance to connect with these incredible, inspiring individuals, who are some of the nicest people I have ever met.
From Rob:
About Brendan:
He's a blind artist. Through complications of cystic fibrosis and medical ailments, he no longer has his eyesight. But we wouldn't be here to tell you this story if that had stopped him. Brendan learned to create art again in spite of having zero light perception. He creates work influenced by his back ground in tattooing, and the monster movies he grew up loving and relating to. Brendan has shown his work all over the country and always had tons of positive responses. He also paints live at these shows in order to help people understand his process, as well as give people a chance to talk to him while he creates and ask him questions about his blindness, and his story.
The film in progress: Can’t See Sh*t:
I have been friends with Brendan, the focus of our film, since middle school. Brendan and I have been through a lot together. I've seen him sick and healthy, but mostly I've seen him handle his illness like a minor inconvenience, no matter how major the effects really were. Whenever I don't feel up to doing something or get to the end of a long-winded complaint, I think about Brendan playing hockey with two club feet, or screaming as the front man of a hardcore band even though his lungs were full of mucus. The effect Brendan has had on my life will resonate long after he is gone, and I want to share that sentiment with as many people as I can while he is still here to appreciate the end product.
sTudio 7 Gallery, Fort Tilden Gateway National Recreation Area Rockaway Point, NY 11695
**If driving and using GPS, use 'Rockaway Theatre Company' as it has a better pin
Some of Brendan’s work can be found at this link:
Here is the Facebook Event page:
Other links:
If you are in New York and able to come, please join us on Sunday afternoon. :)
Write up about the event in The Rockaway Times